Face database

2D images (photographs)

We are in the process of preparing and uploading more images; some sets have 45 male and 54 females, others have 64 male and 71 female.


Neutral and Happy expressions, with and without a cap, same lighting and blue background as the 3D images, 1000x1400 pixels.

 Male (64 ids) 65Mb zip file Female (71 ids) 79Mb zip file

Varied lighting and shooting distances, 800x1200 pixels

Male Indoors 85 Mb zip file Outdoors 47Mb zip file Female Indoors 59Mb zip Outdoors 47Mb zip

Camera layout for varied lighting and pose:

camera layout

Neutral expression, four views, 1200x1200.

Neutral images Male 55Mb zip Female 56Mb zip

Posed expressions, from four viewpoints, 1200x1200 pixels. Not verified, some more convincing than others...


Happy Angry Disgust Fear Unhappy Surprise
59Mb zip
59Mb zip
65Mb zip
66Mb zip
60Mb zip
63Mb zip
58Mb zip
58Mb zip
60Mb zip
63Mb zip
61Mb zip
63Mb zip

Neutral faces, 'marked up' for use in Psychomorph, includes average face images, with and without texture processing.

marked up for psychomorph Male average Male 11Mb zip Female 11Mb zip

4 views/lighting

4 views male 237Mb zip female 233Mb zip

Eyes left and right. Eyes straight are included in the views set above.

eyes male 200Mb zip female 225Mb zip

Neutral and smile, with cap.

caps male neutral 62 Mb zip male smile 60 Mb zip female neutral 62Mb zip female smile 59 Mb zip

4 views, with black gown.

gowns Male 206Mb Zip Female 228Mb zip

4 views, with gown and cap

cap-gown Male 240Mb Zip Female 247Mb zip

Colour reference.

3888x2592 pixels. Quite a few IDs missing for cameras 2-4. Camera 4 cannot see the chart, included here for completeness.

c1 refCamera 1 Male Jpg format 176Mb Zip Female 197Mb Zip
Canon Raw format (note the large size!) Male 683Mb Zip Female 735Mb Zip

C2 Ref Camera 2 Male 138Mb Zip Female 141Mb Zip

C3 Ref Camera 3 Male 124Mb Zip Female 129Mb Zip

C4 Ref Camera 4 Male 124Mb Zip Female 123Mb Zip

Canon Raw format

Camera 1 view only. Note the large size of these raw format collections: only download them if you really need them!

C1_V0S Male 468Mb Zip Female 556Mb Zip

raw_v2r Male 393Mb Zip Female 513Mb Zip

raw_v4r Male 397Mb Zip Female 460Mb Zip

raw_v9r Male 380Mb Zip Female 512Mb Zip

Random extra images

1200x1200 pixels

Extras Male 12Mb Zip Female (includes some with hair down) 31Mb Zip

We are collecting additional images, taken at different times.

Stereo images

These are taken with a Fuji W3 stereo camera. Images unpacked into L and R pairs

stereo images Neutral and smiling Male 36Mb zip Female 45Mb zip

stereo images With cap Male 32Mb zip, Female 37Mb zip